The Truth About Getting Abs


We have all been there, searching the internet for hours trying to find an ab routine that works. Imagining what our friends and family would think if we uncovered a killer set of abs during the next pool day.


The problem is that the fitness industry's biggest scams are these buckets of “magical workouts” or “5-minute ab routines”. Fitness gurus have been selling, preaching, and spreading this nonsense for a long time.


Only about 8% - 10% percent of men in the US have visible abs. So clearly, getting abs is not that easy, and these BS methods do not work.

Getting a set of visible abs can be so simple (but not easy). Today we are going to show you what myths and fluff to avoid, the truth behind getting abs, and how you can achieve a nice set of abs for yourself. 

Common misconceptions about abs

Spot reduction

Spot reduction is one of the biggest fitness myths. Think of those videos or articles titled “Exercises to burn stomach fat”, “Do this workout to lose love handles”, or even titles like “Foods to help lose belly fat”. All claiming to reduce fat in one area. Which is not how the human body works.


The body doesn't selectively burn fat from specific areas during exercise. To reduce fat in one area, you need to focus on reducing overall body fat.

Miracle supplements

Spoiler alert: there's no magic pill for abs. There are many great supplements in the fitness industry that can help with protein intake, hydration, and performance. But these “Miracle supplements” promising an instant ab transformation are often too good to be true.

Shortcut workouts

Shortcut workouts can be easy to spot out (if you know what to look for). Think of the people that sell “1 minute ab workout routine” or “Do this 3 minute workout everyday to get abs”. 


There is no magic set of exercises that will show your abs. There are plenty of exercises that can make your abdominal muscles grow or get stronger. But showing abs requires a loss of body fat.

Ab structure

Another thing to mention is ab structure. A common myth is that everyone can get an 8 pack. 


The truth is everyone has a predetermined structure of abs. Some people have 4 packs, some have 6 packs, some have 8 packs. You get what you get (don't throw a fit).

Truth about getting abs

Okay well if abs aren’t made with BS supplements, spot reduction, or magic workouts… then how do you get them?


The harsh truth is abs are made in the kitchen and accelerated in the gym.


Everyone has abs. If you can’t see them, then they are covered with fat. To make them visable you should do two things: 

1. Get right in the kitchen.

Achieving visible abs requires losing overall body fat, and this is influenced by dietary choices. 


A well-balanced diet that includes lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, coupled with a caloric deficit (eating less calories than you normally eat), is key.

2. Get right in the gym.

Additionally, engaging in a mix of cardiovascular exercises (to burn calories), full-body workouts (to grow muscles and burn calories), and targeted ab exercises (to make the abs bigger) contributes to muscle development and enhances the appearance of a sculpted midsection. This really helps the abs poke through the skin.

How to start your ab journey

To get those abs, focus on what you eat and how much you eat. Choose healthy foods like lean proteins, fruits, and veggies, and watch your portions.


Figure out what your maintenance amount of calories is, then eat less than that. Simple (not easy). Make sure you're burning more calories than you eat to reduce overall body fat.


Next, mix up your exercises. Do cardio activities like running or cycling to burn fat. Include full-body workouts to boost your metabolism, and don't forget direct ab exercises like planks and leg raises. 


Stick to this balanced plan consistently, and be patient – it takes time to see results. Keep it simple, stay committed, and you'll be on your way to those six-pack abs. Getting a personal trainer can help you stay on track with everything.


So now that you know a good idea about getting abs… what will you do?


Just remember when trying to sculpt that midsection of yours - if getting abs was as easy as doing a 5-minute workout, popping a pill, or some magic potion, then everyone would have abs. Just like anything good in life, getting in shape is hard.


You can do whatever you set your mind to. Make a rough plan, start doing it, and learn along the way. You can do this. Thanks for reading.


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