Natty or Not? The Normalization of Drug Use in Fitness Culture


Where Did It All Begin?

While drug use within the fitness culture is not a new phenomenon, what was once a taboo topic has now become visible to teens around the world. Many of the original bodybuilders, including icons like Ronnie Coleman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Tom Platz, were known to have used performance-enhancing substances. 


However, many individuals never glorified it. Transparency about steroid use has existed for a long time, but the issue arises when it becomes perceived as a necessity or is normalized. With the emergence of a new generation of fitness enthusiasts, this normalization has become increasingly evident.

The Role of Fitness Influencers

Social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, and TikTok have become essential in the fitness community for entertainment, education, and connection. While this is a positive development, the promotion and normalization of steroids have become difficult to ignore. 


Influencers like The Tren Twins, Sam Sulek, Larry Wheels, and others have inadvertently contributed to the normalization of steroid use. Many teenagers see the impressive physiques these individuals have and may wrongly believe that taking steroids is the only path to achieving similar results. 


While these influencers are excellent examples in many aspects of training and determination, the topic of their responsibility is a subject of debate.

The Role of Memes

Given that several influencers and famous lifters are associated with drug use, it's unsurprising that memes have emerged on this topic. While many of these memes are undeniably humorous, they can indirectly influence newcomers to the fitness world. Memes are one of the most common forms of content shared among friends and can rapidly spread across the internet.

Professional Competitions

Steroid use has been prevalent in professional bodybuilding, powerlifting, and calisthenic competitions for many years. A substantial number of athletes have come forward and been open about their drug use, which is often a form of respect that helps individuals understand that achieving the physique of an Olympian while staying natural is improbable. This transparency can also inspire people not to be discouraged while pursuing their fitness goals.

The Real Consequences of Steroid Use

Many individuals are not well-informed about the potential effects of steroids on the body, leading to regret after deciding to use them. While no one here at Gym Chomp are doctors, here are some of the more commonly known symptoms suggested to be associated with steroid use.

Physical Health Risks:

  • Liver damage and an increased risk of liver cancer.
  • Cardiovascular issues, including high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease.
  • Kidney problems.

Hormonal Imbalance:

  • Testicular atrophy (shrunken testicles) and infertility in men.
  • Gynecomastia (breast development) in men.
  • Irregular menstrual cycles and virilization (development of male characteristics) in women.

Psychological Effects:

  • Mood swings, aggression, and irritability (commonly referred to as "roid rage").
  • Anxiety and depression.

Acne and Skin Issues:

  • Severe acne, often on the face, chest, and back.
  • Skin oiliness.

Hair Loss:

  • Male pattern baldness (in individuals genetically predisposed).

Stunted Growth:

  • In adolescents who use steroids, premature closure of growth plates can lead to reduced height potential.


  • There is a risk of infections due to shared needles when injecting steroids.

Muscle and Tendon Injuries:

  • Steroid use can lead to overconfidence, increasing the risk of muscle and tendon injuries.


  • Psychological dependence on steroids.

Withdrawal Symptoms:

  • Fatigue, mood swings, and loss of appetite when discontinuing steroid use.

Legal Consequences:

  • Possession, distribution, or use of steroids without a valid prescription can have legal repercussions.

Social and Relationship Issues:

  • Steroid use can strain relationships and lead to social isolation.

What Can We Do?

Ultimately, people will make their own choices, whether for competition, medical recommendations, social media followings, or other reasons. For individuals who are giving their all in the gym but not achieving the same results they see on social media, the temptation to "hop on the juice train" can be strong. Now we could list 100 different fake natural lifters or go after anyone that slightly promotes juice, but we are not here to throw anyone under the buss. We are just pointing out what is going on in today's fitness culture.


Nevertheless, we can do our best to spread awareness of the potential negative effects of drug use, educate individuals about the consequences of entering the world of performance-enhancing substances, and promote safe fitness advice.


Have any more questions about the article? Email to talk with us! Community support goes a long way in the fitness journey, and your insights might just be the motivation someone else needs.

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